All Wed (Feb 1) and Thur (Feb 2) ministries are cancelled due to weather.
As First Baptist Church Celina searches for a new pastor, our search team solicits your prayers. The average search takes around twelve months and, as a team, we would like to help the congregation both understand the process and communicate clearly where we are in the search. Our goal is to find God's man in God's time with no exceptions.

As a congregation, please continue to pray for our team members and the search process. Our primary purpose is to glorify God through the search and to bring the right pastor to serve our church. We ask that you continue to "be the church" with your willingness to attend, serve, and give with humble hearts as we help people know and follow Jesus.

"Then I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding."

- Jeremiah 3:15


The Pastor Search Team has provided three profiles to better help paint a picture of what life is like at our church and in our community. We have also laid out the qualities and characteristics of our future Senior Pastor.
Click the buttons to learn more!


Pastor Candidates should review the Church, Community and Pastor Profiles before applying. Candidates who wish to apply will need to submit the following:
• A cover letter expressing their call to pastoral ministry
• A resume detailing ministry experience and education
• A statement of faith and philosophy of ministry
• A picture of his family and any other material you would like our team to review
• At least two video links of sermons he has preached in the last year



Top: Randy Howard (chair), Joel Petrazio, Paul Martin, David Seay, Clay Thomas
Bottom: Amariz Acosta, Judy Toole, Shawna Mathews