Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19

Ministries we support
Acuña, Mexico
We offer a yearly opportunity for families to serve the people in Acuña, Mexico. Children and adults take Spring Break and travel to Del Rio, Texas. We cross the border daily to build churches, hand out food, and host Bible clubs. This is a great way for young people and first-timers to experience a mission trip.
iServe is a local way we can serve those in our community. We host annual "iServe Weekends" where teams venture out and serve in whatever capacity is needed in Celina. Stay tuned for the next iServe Weekend dates to be announced!
Togo, Africa
First Celina is proud to support churches in Togo, Africa. We are actively in involved in reaching and discipling the Lamba people. Teams travel yearly to offer support, train pastors, and build water wells throughout the country of Togo.
Other Missions Opportunities
There are various missions trips that happen throughout the year or on a bi-annual basis. Some of those include:
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Acuña, Mexico!
The next Mexico Mission Trip is scheduled for March 7-13, 2020. Sign-ups and more details will coming out soon!